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Get to know: Ash muir

Get to know: Ash muir
Get to know Hamilton photographer, Ash! The woman behind our campaign shots and granddaughter of the infamous Nana Micky (Nana knits). Her photography work can be found in various magazines, look books, campaigns and to be honest - all the coolest Hamilton businesses instagrams as she is the go to for content in the Waikato! Get to know Ash with our not so serious questions about her work and life out of lockdown:

Tell us about yourself. What do you do and where do you live? Did you study?
Hamilton 3216!! I have a Bachelor of Media Arts majoring in Photography + Honours degree in Photography. I'm a freelance photographer, shooting primarily weddings & fashion.

Favourite photo? Why?
So many faves! But probably this b&w shot from a wedding last season using flash. I think the whole images sums up my work as a whole:

What makes a great client and how can we make a photographers job easier? Give us tips on how to be an awesome subject!
Having a clear idea on what you want, mood boards, Pinterest etc. But being open to new ideas & ways to shoot your work. The perfect 50/50 creative relationship.

Do you have a funny story or crazy experience from a shoot?
Last year as soon as we came out of lockdown. A campaign shoot for Recycle Boutique where I was just thrown in as the photographer because Hamilton was the only place we could shoot. We put a whole campaign together + shot it with staff in about 2 days. Wild times.
How are you spending your days during lock down?
Gardening, knitting and editing the last few shoots from before we went into level 4. Planning the next cruise - I run a vintage car cruise with my dad called the Kawhia Cruise. It’s held on the second Sunday of November and we raise money and awareness for multiple sclerosis. It’s an ever growing event and very close to my heart.
Ash and her dad Adam at the Kawhia Cruise

What was your first job?
At a truck stop diner called Wheels Roadhouse in TeKuiti. My grandparents owned the motel across the road & I started working there when I was about 13. Not fit for the hospo life. I used to drop things all the time.
What do you like about working at Found?
Being introduced to so many new brands that I didn’t know before who have such great ethics. Creating such cool relationships with our customers. It’s so fun to offer such a fresh space for Hamilton.

Favourite food? Honestly, probably McDonalds Hotcakes Podcast? After Work Drinks! The coolest two gals from Australia & NZ living in Europe as Magazine editors. They are so intelligent but goofy which I love. We can be smart + like dumb stuff at the same time! Movie? Savages. With Blake Lively, Taylor Kitsch & Aaron Taylor - Very hot movie Music artist/album? Pink Floyd always. Glass Animals album ZABA is a go to
Where do I get the perfect coffee in Hamilton?
Cream! Amazing space to work + the best coffee & food in the tron. Also Front Paddock in Matangi for a quiet coffee + a petting zoo

Where do I get a great cocktail and what do I order?
Wonder Horse, duh. I’m a basic bitch, Gimlet forever.

Best place for dinner? Top picks on the menu?
Mr Pickles! Unfortunately my favourite dish is the fried chicken which is only on the lunch menu : ( but Saucey boys + those yum ball things.

Who should I follow on instagram and why? 
Maimoa Creative - Aroha is an amazing Maori woman who chats daily about reclaiming her Maori culture. Sicksadgirlz - a cool gram celebrating and normalising women with disabilities
Ash and Nana Micky (Nana Knits)

When offline what are your favourite things to do?
Love knitting & gardening. I want to be a professional flower grower one day.

Something no one would know about you?
I have a weird obsession with WWE wrestling & I am in love with John Cena.

Your biggest fear?
Clowns. I watched IT far too young.

Last time you cried?
Day 1 of lockdown 2.0. She doesn’t handle being away from her fam.

What’s something that will always be in fashion, no matter how much time passes?
Any type of pinafore dress. I live in them. They always look so cool with blouses or scivvies underneath. Stockings & low docs with a pinafore is one of my all time go to outfits.
What are your favourites in store right now?
Cleancleanclean toothbrush holders, Curio practice Blanket Both in the orangey colours, my house is very retro + my go to cheek and lip tints Crush and Terra from Aleph Beauty (UNDERRATED!!!)

Lastly.. and obviously so important. Who would play you in a movie?
One time at a wedding a chick swore I looked identical to Demi Lovato. So much so that she took photos of me all day because she loved her. So maybe a blonde Demi? HAHA.
Check out more of Ash's work here. 
Stalk her on the gram.
Find out more about the Kawhia Cruise. 


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